Here, I Am
I don't know exactly how it became. All veryndfirst things seem to US greater than Life. But we had to know that is the
new-old treasure of/ with/in(er) ____...LIFE. Rainy Days ( and Mondays ...) never will get ME...down. I'm, finnaly a part
of "this"___this large universal View. I can also say ( I wanted or...had wanted, or no, wished this soft "weedn" ) that I did
it ___ all fullfilling fullfillness ___ I did it___my Way!...
I had a broken mirror, a place ___ where my alternative view ___ I was seeing ___ just times ago. A continuous way mo
re___ than a road ___ some as a Gift, a possession ___ a promissive step, nursed by baby colours and full Clouds...I was
pleased to listen : the World was at my litlle and greatfull Command.
I was born STACY ___ to ANN MARGARETH was a short way___ but with heavy ___ the light heavy of sights and the
blush(ed) of HOPE____ as an eye "penciled" in sparkly tunes ___ mirific ___ I know... Born to be sweet___ not a fate ___a
Learning...And, Oh!... that's so !...
I have got a "friend"... This new litlle Town we are now living. Very good people, many palls, sisters bros... Nice friends...
After School we usually visit fair places, or one another. And this kind of lovely relationship overlaps all Time. Times !...
Deirdre, my best friend. The nearest, she used to play colorfull dress up. My girl friend sometimes was fixing her open, lu
minous eyes at me ( a shape of looking-at-for, too!...)As a Song. we loved this. Music is an own-us treasure.And Butterflies.
So, we : D and ME : " once, two, three times a Lady", only "one" ___thats suficient... I thought...perhaps!...
I discovered something ultra interesting. Our town was a disguise ___ near from here ___ there was a Department___four
or five Buildings; the Governement was making physics and astrophysics experiments. As I had known ( a Deirdre cousin wor
ked there... ) they was envolved with high technology searching to FIX a WORM-HOLE___ just a time passage... to the Past.
One never knows, but probably this gives some explanation. I had saw the Buildings, the sun behind their massive sculptu
re.Litlle beams gainning our air.
That's it, because someday a kind of white shinning cloud appeared. And, also, a New Star. There was strong bolts, just the
place the Labs were. Later we had known ___ this was the Satar of Dreamming Futures...___ bright, lovely___ close to me,
close to YOU, we... Close to Us.
Someday, we, I...Deirdre we ___were togheter and something wake up our full attencion: we, and fixing our eyes to the sun,
its light was a long and long near way but as some developed papyrus page, the sun in the center and an extensive triangle all...
Deirdre looking at me; suddenly a mirific butterfly entered ( with the light by the window ). All LIGHTS smiled. Deirdre, too.
With sounds of ___Silence.
As a short novel by Anton Tchecov, this butterfly with smiles had touched me, us. And... My soul to "her" had given the shape
of tender Wings, grownning. My chest with curves, my face girlish, to me was given, too, tits, hips ___glorious, as tender Angles
___oh! my OWN !...____ a beautiful shelll, pearled, fem hair...ando so on and... ON !...
The best thing : some kind of COCOOUN, or DOMUS was giving sweet things to all Lands. It had STARTED ours. We are a flig
ht just to a Pink, Green...Peacefull MOON!...
I became Ann Margareth a sister to MY nearest Deirdre. And we made tatoos... Guess, YOU?!... YES !...___ Two Litlle Butterfl
ies !...
PS ( Post Scriptum ) : We had known... Physiists of the Labs was Glad. They haad encutered nor an Worm-Hole...More !...: Mo
re than this !... Some shyne piece ___ a hope and a passage : The butterfly Cocooun "Status"...
Tempodasgarotas, sem esquecer nosso Idioma, gostaria de postar contos em várias línguas. Não só engrandecer a Comunidade
CADUSER, mas, como sempre, enriquecer a Internet dealongando rumos futuros.Fazendo-a mais RICA. No entretanto é trabalho-
so, por conta de não só ler e falar, mas de ter alguma profundidade no Idioma que possa redundar em ARTE. Por isso, por en-
quanto, usamos o Inglês, a Língua Franca Contemporânea. Mas saudamos a todos os povos e suas riquezas. A Língua é só um
Aspecto: o perfil são pequenas notas culturais que nos unem e diversificam. Essa Real-Ficção-Fantasia-Científica TG vai dedicada
a Anton Tchecov, mestre das riquezas cotidianas quase imperceptíveis. É trabalho da ARTE ousar... E assim aumentamos os infini-
tos limites do HUMANO. Tempo agradece Leituras e ( bons ou não tão ) Comentários. Existimos pra vocês, no sentido mais Puro da
Beijos e Abraços.